One of the best things about Network Marketing is that you could start on a foundation of Credibility.
You don’t need a college degree to start. You don’t even need a business degree, a business permit, a large capital, or a place to build your business on. You only need Credibility.
Sadly most people throw their Credibility away just like that.
They throw it away by engaging in unethical business practices i.e. kidnapping, pawning their downlines’ belongings and other unseemly practices. They don’t know that every time they succumb to these practices they are only destroying their future in Network Marketing.
I once told my client, “For the first time people are realizing that Credibility is their greatest asset; and for the first time they realize that they have none.”
I have yet to see a Network Marketer with an amazing credibility other than Michael Dlouhy. Reading about what he’d done has really opened my eyes to the wonderful future of Network Marketing. To find out what he’s done click on this link below:
Find out and start building your credibility today.
Jason De Ocampo
I've been a follower of Michael Dlouhy for 4 years now. Thanks for quoting him in this article.
ReplyDeleteAllen Sawyer
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