Why Networthics?
• Because we are Networkers who live by the codes of business ethics; namely Networthics or Networking Ethics.
Networking Ethics?
• Comprising all moral principles which govern the behavior of networkers.
Why Team Apollo?
• Apollo is associated with light, truth and the sun; energy, life and so on. And like that our team values the light of Honesty, Integrity, and proper Business Ethics in dealing with our fellow men.
Did I read Networking Team? This is not a networking company? What’s the difference?
No, this is not a networking company. Here are a few pointers.
• A networking company (NC) is owned by a corporation; a networking team (NT) is built by Networkers.
• An NC can close down; an NT will stay together because of trust, loyalty and a common vision.
• Because of that NC’s are short term, NT’s are long term.
• An NC will not take care of it’s distributors the same way an NT would.
• This Networking Team will lead, build and equip people to succeed in a Networking Company.
Vision: To build a networking team that will transcend a networking company.
Mission: To do Networking by applying the timeless principles of Honesty, Integrity and Business Ethics