About Us

Why Networthics?
Because we are Networkers who live by the codes of business ethics; namely Networthics or Networking Ethics.

Networking Ethics?
Comprising all moral principles which govern the behavior of networkers.

Why Team Apollo?
Apollo is associated with light, truth and the sun; energy, life and so on. And like that our team values the light of Honesty, Integrity, and proper Business Ethics in dealing with our fellow men.

Did I read Networking Team? This is not a networking company? What’s the difference?
No, this is not a networking company. Here are a few pointers.
A networking company (NC) is owned by a corporation; a networking team (NT) is built by Networkers.
An NC can close down; an NT will stay together because of trust, loyalty and a common vision.
Because of that NC’s are short term, NT’s are long term.
An NC will not take care of it’s distributors the same way an NT would.
This Networking Team will lead, build and equip people to succeed in a Networking Company.

Vision: To build a networking team that will transcend a networking company.

Mission: To do Networking by applying the timeless principles of Honesty, Integrity and Business Ethics