To make a successful sale, your Uplines tell you, to put some pressure on the deal. Tell them to pay, if possible tomorrow. You make the decision sound like the opportunity of a lifetime. Pressure! Pressure! Pressure!
So what happens is the person who was pressured makes a giant decision, a giant change that he / she is totally unprepared for. And when that person fails, he/ she blames you.
Pressure selling only works when you’re selling things. People would rarely hate you if you pressure them to buy your product; your soap, your lotion and things normally sold in networking circles. But in pressuring them to join your Network Marketing Company, not only do you promise them to get rich, you promise to lead them to success. That is, if you have any leadership ability that will make you and them successful. But most of the time, you just copied what your Upline did.
When they don’t get rich, and your leadership fails. They will hate you.
The Ideal Selling Tactic
The ideal selling tactic is this: Your potential Downlines come to you. Because they see you have leadership. Leaders, they think, are born not made. They will feel it in their hearts. They aren’t pressured, they are committed. And when people are committed, they do things of their own accord; you don’t manage, cajole or threaten them.
The Ideal selling tactic is this: Because you have a name that people trust, they will come to you, listen to you and follow you. One of the great secrets of businesses is that you don’t sell people your product or your company, you sell them to you.
I am building my team; if you are interested join us:
Jason De Ocampo
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