Those with broken hopes and dreams in Network Marketing may blame themselves for their failure. They tell themselves “If only I was smarter” or if “I only worked harder.”
Let me tell you this. I want you to read this carefully:
Your Network Marketing Failure was Never Your Fault.
This isn’t your fault. If you’re burned out and feeling like a total loser, read that sentence above again.
You simply lacked a mentor. You lacked a leader who will guide you every step of the way. You lacked someone who had been willing to hold your hand and guide you till you have success.
Our Philippine History shows us that we never had much exposure to great leaders. What we’ve had are “leaders” who used their government authority to govern the people. We’ve never had too many leaders who lead people through mentoring. We don’t have too many Rizal’s. Other heroes litter our history that has helped our nation gain independence.
But how many of them we’re mentors?
Great Leaders are Mentors.
Great leaders multiply their influence through mentoring.
And greater leaders are needed in Network Marketing.
So if you’re failing or going downwind in your efforts at Network Marketing, it’s first and foremost because you’ve never had a great mentor.
The most successful people in the world have great mentors.
It’s a fact.
Jason De Ocampo
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